Скрипт для настоящих люмпенов и маргиналов из принципа отказавшихся вести экономическую деятельность.
//************* configured for https://oldp.net/index.php ******** // begging in BRITANIA // for correct work on your server, enter the seller's ID and, if necessary, change the route coordinates function LUMPIN() { // id of vendors for begging ************************************** vendor_arr = ["0x0008E2BB" , "0x0008C061" , "0x0008E10D" , "0x0008C039" , "0x0008CB16" , "0x0008E13E" , "0x0008E156" , "0x0008D03F" , "0x0008E14C" , "0x0008B2E3" , "0x0008E2C7" , "0x0008C1A1" , "0x0008E283" , "0x0008E468" , "0x0008E485" , "0x00092FF7" , "0x0008B78A" , "0x0008D192" , "0x0008E4C6" , "0x0008E4D4" , "0x0008D188" , "0x0008D299", "0x0008C32C", "0x0008D3DE", "0x0008C556", "0x0008D3F3" , "0x0008D292" , "0x0008C1E5" , "0x0008E693" , "0x0008E66E" , "0x0008D42A" , "0x0008E642" , "0x0008E659" , "0x00065819" , "0x0008C4B9" , "0x0008C4C4" ]; waitVendor_arr = [ ] ; for (var i = 0; i < vendor_arr.length; i++) { waitVendor_arr[i] = 0; } Orion.SetBadLocation(1453, 1695); //teleport coord Orion.SetBadLocation(1488, 1586); // run around city and try find vendors ******************************* find_ven(); Orion.WalkTo (1432 ,1734,20, 1); find_ven(); Orion.WalkTo (1462,1697,0, 1); find_ven(); Orion.WalkTo (1492,1682,20, 1); find_ven(); Orion.WalkTo (1472,1606,20, 1); find_ven(); Orion.WalkTo (1434,1573,30, 1); find_ven(); Orion.WalkTo (1492,1572,30, 1); find_ven(); Orion.WalkTo (1487,1638,20, 1); find_ven(); function find_ven() { for (var a = 0; a < vendor_arr.length; a++) { if ( waitVendor_arr[a] < Orion.Now() ) { var res =Orion.FindObject(vendor_arr[a]); if (res) { Orion.Say('test' + a); var ser = res.Serial(); Orion.ClientLastTarget(ser); Orion.TargetSystemSerial(ser); Orion.WalkTo(res.X(), res.Y(), res.Z(), 1); Orion.Follow(ser); scanJ(); waitVendor_arr[a] = Orion.Now() +900000; //15 min dont toch this vendor } else { TextWindow.Open(); //Test print TextWindow.Print(vendor_arr[a]); TextWindow.Print(a); } } else TextWindow.Print( Orion.Now() - waitVendor_arr[a] ); } } function scanJ () { msgs = ['Begging ended' , 'Of course,' , 'You put the gold coin' , 'Oh, I have no money now|You must wait to use that' , 'You are already begging' , 'is too far away' , 'You must wait to use that' , 'You can use this skill only on humans' , 'with thoughts of battle' ]; Orion.ClearJournal(); Orion.JournalIgnoreCase(true ); Orion.UseSkill('Begging' ); Orion.WaitTargetObject(Orion.ClientLastTarget() ); var tim = Orion.Now() + 50000 ; while (tim >Orion.Now() ) { Orion.Wait(1000); //Orion.Say('xz'); if (Orion.FindObject(self).X() > 2000 ) //teleported BY mistake { TextWindow.Open(); TextWindow.Print('-==========PISEC==========-'); Orion.WalkTo(4413 ,1144, 0, 0); //go back to teleport } if ( Orion.InJournal(msgs[7]) ) //wrong Target (ONLY VENDORS) { Orion.Say('netot'); break; } if ( Orion.InJournal(msgs[3]) ) // target need rest { Orion.Wait(1000); Orion.Say('thenx'); Orion.ClearJournal(); break; } if (Orion.InJournal(msgs[0]) ) // try one more time { Orion.Say('dEngi daVaj'); Orion.UseSkill('Begging' ); Orion.WaitTargetObject(Orion.ClientLastTarget() ); Orion.ClearJournal(); var tim = Orion.Now() + 50000 ; continue; } if (Orion.InJournal(msgs[5]) ) // try one more time { var tar = Orion.FindObject ( Orion.ClientLastTarget() ); Orion.WalkTo(tar.X(), tar.Y(), tar.Z(), 1); Orion.Follow(Orion.ClientLastTarget()); Orion.UseSkill('Begging' ); Orion.WaitTargetObject(Orion.ClientLastTarget() ); Orion.ClearJournal(); var tim = Orion.Now() + 50000 ; continue; } } Orion.Wait(1000); Orion.Say('goodbye'); } } function ViewRangNORM() { Orion.ClientViewRange(20); //Orion.Say(Orion.ClientViewRange() ); Orion.Info(); }