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Прямая связь с администрацией по скайпу: gods.dragon
@  До свидания : (Yesterday, 22:27) похуй уже всем на твои сервер и на твои пустые слова :)
@  fr33 : (18 September 2024 - 09:04) ura go go go varki
@  Artemy Shan : (17 September 2024 - 22:00) Сайт что-то лагует, попрошу техника проверить в чем дело. Пока ребутнул веб.
@  Artemy Shan : (17 September 2024 - 22:00) На днях начнём осенний сезон. Всем приготовиться :)
@  fr33 : (02 September 2024 - 13:07) nu vse uze skola nacalasj, gm davai proff
@  beatiful : (01 September 2024 - 20:50) davai v peredi uze novij osinj , uze sezon
@  fr33 : (27 August 2024 - 16:07) v ponedelnik uze osenj, novii sezon i gm dast proff
@  До свидания : (15 August 2024 - 22:27) login.oldp.net,2593
@  fr33 : (15 August 2024 - 16:45) i mne toze ne idet, gm delaj serv
@  jurasiks : (14 August 2024 - 17:45) Ilji u menja odnogo serv ne edet?
@  jurasiks : (14 August 2024 - 17:41) ALJOO
@  jurasiks : (12 August 2024 - 17:58) server ne robotaet
@  Restless : (11 August 2024 - 15:41) @Artemy Shan по hu ю
@  Artemy Shan : (09 August 2024 - 12:46) Сервер работает
@  fr33 : (07 August 2024 - 00:41) Old Paradise XL - 0
@  GM SOLAR : (06 August 2024 - 12:45) Давно сервак лёг?
@  jurasiks : (04 August 2024 - 15:15) Server ne idet
@  fr33 : (25 July 2024 - 09:05) TAFANA ABAKRALI
@  Artemy Shan : (08 July 2024 - 17:24) Работа сервера восстановлена, работа сайта аналогично
@  fr33 : (26 June 2024 - 16:54) mu parkur


работающий авто тейминг ! : )

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#1 Retrival`



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Posted 11 August 2008 - 12:34

вообщем всё что нужно сделать это включить скрипт и в табличку что появилась - 'нажать Auto Tame Creatures" a дальше уж просто бегаете по лесу животных искать... как только на экране видно животное - скрипт подбегает к нему и теймит.... если животное отходит чар бежит за ним :) (скрипт не теймит одно животное дважды :roll: - если только включить заново)
ну... те кому лень самому бегать самому всё делать - пользуйтесь :happy:

; ANIMAL	The name of the animal to tame

; REQ SKILL The minimum skill required to tame

; MIN GAIN  The skill level that has a 10% success rate

; MAX GAIN  The skill level that has an 90% success rate

; C/M	   Monster (Yes/No)

; TYPE	  EasyUO FindItem type for animal


;					  REQ	MIN	MAX


; -----------------  -----  -----  -----  ---  ----

; Dog				-21.3	-17	 23   N   HG

; Gorilla			-18.9	-14	 26   N   RD

; Jack Rabbit		-18.9	-14	 26   N   NF

; Mongbat			-18.9	-14	 26   Y   BE

; Rabbit			 -18.9	-14	 26   N   NF

; Skittering Hopper  -12.9	 -8	 32   N   GO

; Bird				-6.9	 -2	 38   N   WC

; Cat				 -0.9	  4	 44   N   RF

; Chicken			 -0.9	  4	 44   N   AG

; Mountain Goat	   -0.9	  4	 44   N   KB

; Rat				 -0.9	  4	 44   N   WG

; Sewer Rat		   -0.9	  4	 44   N   WG

; Cow				 11.1	 16	 56   N   IG_NG

; Goat				11.1	 16	 56   N   ZF

; Pig				 11.1	 16	 56   N   JF

; Sheep			   11.1	 16	 56   N   TF_PF

; Eagle			   17.1	 22	 62   N   TC

; Bullfrog			23.1	 28	 68   N   BB

; Hind				23.1	 28	 68   N   TG

; Slime			   23.1	 28	 68   Y   VE

; Timber Wolf		 23.1	 28	 68   N   PG

; Boar				29.1	 34	 74   N   CO

; Desert Ostard	   29.1	 34	 74   N   CG

; Forest Ostard	   29.1	 34	 74   N   JG

; Giant Beetle		29.1	 34	 74   Y   ZGB

; Giant Rat		   29.1	 34	 74   N   XF

; Horse			   29.1	 34	 74   N   SF_MG_SG_OF

; Pack Horse		  29.1	 34	 74   N   BO

; Pack Llama		  29.1	 34	 74   N   WN

; Rideable Llama	  29.1	 34	 74   N   EG

; War Horse		   29.1	 34	 74   N   QC

; Black Bear		  35.1	 40	 80   N   BG

; Llama			   35.1	 40	 80   N   EG

; Polar Bear		  35.1	 40	 80   N   VF

; Walrus			  35.1	 40	 80   N   DG

; Brown Bear		  41.1	 46	 86   N   ZI

; Cougar			  41.1	 46	 86   N   ZE

; Deathwatch Beetle   41.1	 46	 86   Y   IH

; Alligator		   47.1	 52	 92   N   UF

; Scorpion			47.1	 52	 92   Y   UE

; Grey Wolf		   53.1	 58	 98   N   VD

; Panther			 53.1	 58	 98   N   YF

; Snow Leopard		53.1	 58	 98   N   L_M

; Giant Spider		59.1	 64	104   Y   SD

; Great Hart		  59.1	 64	104   N   AH

; Grizzly Bear		59.1	 64	104   N   WF

; Snake			   59.1	 64	104   N   QE

; White Wolf		  65.1	 70	110   N   GE_ZD

; Gaman			   68.7	 73	113   N   OH

; Bull				71.1	 76	116   N   YG_XG

; Giant Ice Worm	  71.1	 76	116   N   

; Hellcat (Small)	 71.1	 76	116   Y   RF

; Mongbat (Strong)	71.1	 76	116   Y   

; Frost Spider		74.7	 79	119   Y   KD

; Frenzied Ostard	 77.1	 82	122   N   KG

; Giant Toad		  77.1	 82	122   N   CB

; Bake Kitsune		80.7	 85	125   Y   EH

; Lava Lizard		 80.7	 85	125   Y   QF

; Dire Wolf		   83.1	 88	128   N   LD

; Imp				 83.1	 88	128   Y   W

; Ridgeback		   83.1	 88	128   N   WJ

; Savage Ridgeback	83.1	 88	128   N   

; Drake			   84.3	 89	129   Y   YE_XE

; Hell Hound		  85.5	 90	130   Y   UB

; Hellcat (Large)	 89.1	 94	134   Y   NC

; Dragon			  93.9	 98	138   Y   CD_DF

; Fire Beetle		 93.9	 98	138   Y   JJ

; Rune Beetle		 93.9	 98	138   Y   CH

; Swamp Dragon		93.9	 98	138   Y   MHB

; Ki-Rin			  95.1	100	140   Y   SH

; Nightmare		   95.1	100	140   Y   TJ

; Unicorn			 95.1	100	140   Y   SC

; White Wyrm		  96.3	101	141   Y   TE

; Hiryu			   98.7	103	143   Y   HH

; Lesser Hiryu		98.7	103	143   Y   HH

; Fire Steed		   106	110	150   Y   YJ



; It's too far away.

; You can't see that.

; You can't tame that!

; That animal looks tame already.

; That creature cannot be tamed.

; Someone else is already taming that creature.

; You have too many followers to tame that creature.

; You have no chance of taming this creature.

; You seem to anger the beast.

; *You start to tame the creature.*

; You fail to tame the creature.

; You are too far away to continue taming.

; You do not have a clear path to the animal you are taming, and must cease your attempt.

; The animal is too angry to continue taming.

; The animal has been distracted, and you cannot continue taming.

; It seems to accept you as master.

; <petname> appears to have decided that it is better off without a master!



gosub InitMenu

gosub InitAnimalTaming

gosub InitPickupRegs


gosub Dispatch

goto loop

sub InitMenu

	menu clear

	menu window title Uncle Dave's Tamer Plus 4.2

	menu window size 320 190

	menu window color $E0E0E0

	menu font bgcolor $E0E0E0

	menu font name MS Sans Serif

	menu font size 8

	menu font style b

	menu text lblmovement 10 5 Features

	menu font style n

	menu check autotame 10 20 130 15 #false Auto Tame Creatures

	menu check pickupregs 10 35 130 15 #false Pickup Reagents

	menu font style b

	menu text lblrelease 10 55 Release Option

	menu font style n

	menu check releasecontext 10 70 130 15 #false Context Menu

	menu check releaserename 10 85 130 15 #false Rename

	menu check releasekill 10 100 130 15 #false Mage/Necro Kill

	menu font style b

	menu text lblmisc 10 120 Character Movement

	menu font style n

	menu check dontmove 10 135 130 15 #false Don't Move Character

	menu check returnstart 10 150 130 15 #false Return To Start

	menu font style b

	menu text lblstatistics 150 5 Statistics

	menu font style n

	menu text lbltameskill 150 20 Animal Taming:

	menu text lblloreskill 150 35 Animal Lore:

	menu text lbltameid 150 50 Animal Id:

	menu text lbltamecount 150 65 Attempts:

	menu font align right

	menu text tameskill 310 20 0/0

	menu text loreskill 310 35 0/0

	menu text tameid 310 50 N/A

	menu text tamecount 310 65 0

	menu font align left

	menu button manualtame 150 90 80 25 Manual Tame

	menu button resetstart 150 115 80 25 Reset Start

	menu button ignorecurrent 230 90 80 25 Ignore Current

	menu button resetignore 230 115 80 25 Reset Ignore

	menu button setregcont 150 140 160 25 Set Reagent Container

	menu shape bgstatus 0 173 320 17 3 7 1 $999999 7 $E0E0E0

	menu font color $666666

	menu text lblstatus 5 175 Status:

	menu text status 40 175 Initializing

	gosub MenuUpdateStats

	menu show

	menu HideEUO

	set #menubutton N/A


sub InitAnimalTaming

	event macro 8 2; open status

	wait 1s

	set %statusposx #contposx

	set %statusposy #contposy

	set %charstartx #charposx

	set %charstarty #charposy

	set %charstartz #charposz

	set %tameskill -1

	set %tameigtimer 0

	set %tamecount 0

	set %tameid N/A


sub InitPickupRegs


	event macro 8 7; open backpack

	wait 1s


sub Dispatch

	menu set status Idle

	gosub ScriptIdletime

	gosub TamingCheckSkill

	set %finditems N/A

	menu get autotame

	if #menures = #true


		gosub TamingIgnore reset

		set %finditems %tameable


	menu get pickupregs

	if #menures = #true


		if %finditems = N/A

			set %finditems %reagents


			set %finditems %finditems , _ , %reagents


	gosub FindClosestItem %finditems

	if %finddist = N/A


		menu get returnstart

		if #menures = #true


			gosub PathfindWait %charstartx %charstarty %charstartz

			if %moveres = error

				menu set returnstart #false



	if %finddist <> N/A


		if %findtype in %tameable

			gosub Taming %findid

		if %findtype in %reagents

			gosub PickupRegs %findid



sub ScriptIdletime

	if #menubutton = manualtame 2

		set #menubutton N/A

		gosub TamingManual

	if #menubutton = resetignore 2

		set #menubutton N/A

		ignoreitem reset

	if #menubutton = resetstart 4

		set #menubutton N/A

		set %charstartx #charposx

		set %charstarty #charposy

		set %charstartz #charposz

	if #menubutton = setregcont 2

		set #menubutton N/A

		gosub SetReagentContainer

	gosub MenuUpdateStats

	gosub PickupRegsNearby


sub MenuUpdateStats

	chooseskill anim

	str right #skill 1

	set %_skilldec #strres

	set %_skill #skill / 10

	set %_skillcap #skillcap / 10

	menu set tameskill %_skill , #dot , %_skilldec , / , %_skillcap

	chooseskill anil

	str right #skill 1

	set %_skilldec #strres

	set %_skill #skill / 10

	set %_skillcap #skillcap / 10

	menu set loreskill %_skill , #dot , %_skilldec , / , %_skillcap

	menu set tameid %tameid

	menu set tamecount %tamecount


sub Taming

	if #followers >= #maxfol


		display ok You have too many followers

		menu set autotame #false



	finditem %1 G_16

	if #findkind = -1


	set %tameid #findid

	set %tametype #findtype

	set %tamedist #finddist

	if %tameid <> #ltargetid

		event exmsg %tameid 3 30 Pick me!

	set %tamecount 0

	gosub MenuUpdateStats

	gosub TameAnimal

	set %tameid N/A


sub TamingManual

	if %tameid <> N/A


		event sysmessage You are already taming something.



	menu set status Waiting For Target

	gosub GetTargetId

	gosub Taming #ltargetid


sub TamingCheckSkill

	menu get autotame

	if #menures = #false


	chooseskill anim

	if #skill = #skillcap


		display ok Taming skillcap reached

		menu set autotame #false



	if %tameskill = #skill


	set %tameskill #skill

   ; ---------------------------------------------------

   ; this chart was auto-generated using TamingChart.xls

   ; ---------------------------------------------------

	if %tameskill >= 0 && %tameskill < 40



	if %tameskill >= 40 && %tameskill < 160



	if %tameskill >= 160 && %tameskill < 220



	if %tameskill >= 220 && %tameskill < 280



	if %tameskill >= 280 && %tameskill < 340



	if %tameskill >= 340 && %tameskill < 400



	if %tameskill >= 400 && %tameskill < 460



	if %tameskill >= 460 && %tameskill < 520



	if %tameskill >= 520 && %tameskill < 580



	if %tameskill >= 580 && %tameskill < 640



	if %tameskill >= 640 && %tameskill < 700



	if %tameskill >= 700 && %tameskill < 736



	if %tameskill >= 736 && %tameskill < 760



	if %tameskill >= 760 && %tameskill < 796



	if %tameskill >= 796 && %tameskill < 820



	if %tameskill >= 820 && %tameskill < 856



	if %tameskill >= 856 && %tameskill < 880



	if %tameskill >= 880 && %tameskill < 892



	if %tameskill >= 892 && %tameskill < 904



	if %tameskill >= 904 && %tameskill < 940



	if %tameskill >= 940 && %tameskill < 988



	if %tameskill >= 988 && %tameskill < 1000



	if %tameskill >= 1000 && %tameskill < 1012



	if %tameskill >= 1012 && %tameskill < 1036



	if %tameskill >= 1036



	gosub TamingIgnore gain


sub TamingIgnore

	if %1 = perm


		ignoreitem %2



	if %1 = temp


		ignoreitem %2 1

		set %tameigtimer #systime + 60000



	if %1 = reset && #systime > %tameigtimer


		ignoreitem reset 1



	if %1 = skill


		ignoreitem %2 2



	if %1 = gain


		ignoreitem reset 2




sub TameAnimal

	menu set status Starting To Tame


	finditem %tameid G_16

	if #findkind = -1


	if #finddist > 3


		menu set status Too Far Away

		gosub PathfindWait #findx #findy #findz

		if %moveres = error


			gosub TamingIgnore temp %tameid



		if #menubutton = ignorecurrent


			set #menubutton N/A

			gosub TamingIgnore perm %tameid



		gosub ScriptIdletime

		goto TamingLoop


	set %tamecount %tamecount + 1

	set %tamejournal #jindex + 1

	set %tamefollow #followers

	set #ltargetid %tameid

	set #ltargetkind 1

	event macro 13 35; animal taming

	target 2s

	event macro 22 0; last target

	gosub TamingMonitor

	if #result = success


		gosub TamingRelease

		gosub TamingIgnore perm %tameid



	if #result = retry


		gosub ScriptIdletime

		goto TamingLoop


	if #result = retrylater


		gosub TamingIgnore temp %tameid



	if #result = ignore


		gosub TamingIgnore perm %tameid



	if #result = cancel


		menu set autotame #false



	if #result = skill


		gosub TamingIgnore skill %tameid



	gosub ScriptIdletime

	goto TamingLoop


sub TamingMonitor

	set %movetimer 0

	set %tametimer #systime + 15000


	if #jindex >= %tamejournal


		scanjournal %tamejournal

		set %tamejournal %tamejournal + 1

		if start_to_tame in #journal

			menu set status Taming Animal

		if seems_to_accept in #journal

			return success

		if anger_the_beast in #journal

			return retry

		if fail_to_tame in #journal

			return retry

		if too_far in #journal

			return retry

		if clear_path in #journal

			return retry

		if too_many_followers in #journal

			return cancel

		if can't_see_that in #journal

			return retrylater

		if too_angry in #journal

			return retrylater

		if distracted in #journal

			return retrylater

		if someone_else in #journal

			return retrylater

		if tame_already in #journal

			return ignore

		if cannot_be_tamed in #journal

			return ignore

		if can't_tame_that in #journal

			return ignore

		if no_chance in #journal

			return skill


	if #followers > %tamefollow

		return success

	if #menubutton = ignorecurrent

		return ignore

	if #systime > %tametimer

		return retry

	finditem %tameid G_16

	if #findkind = -1

		return retry

	if #finddist > 3 && #systime > %movetimer


		menu get dontmove

		if #menures = #false

			event pathfind #findx #findy #findz

		set %movetimer #systime + 1500


	gosub ScriptIdletime

	goto TamingMonitorLoop


sub TamingRelease

	menu get releasecontext

	if #menures = #false


		menu get releaserename

		if #menures = #false


			event macro 1 0 All Follow Me




	menu set status Releasing Animal

	set %attempt 0

	set %adjust #false

	set %tamefollow #followers

	event macro 1 0 All Stay

	wait 10

	gosub GetAnimalDisplacement


	if #contid = #charid


		event macro 8 2

		wait 10

		contpos %statusposx %statusposy

		wait 10


	if #contid = %tameid


		gosub TamingRename

		event macro 1 0 KillMe Release

		wait 10


	if #contname = normal_gump


		if #contsize = 118_186


			set %xx #contposx + 50

			set %yy #contposy + 165

			click %xx %yy F

			wait 1s

			if #contsize = 270_120


				set %xx #contposx + 35

				set %yy #contposy + 90

				click %xx %yy F

				wait 15





			set %xx #contposx + 50

			set %yy #contposy + 10

			click %xx %yy R

			wait 15



	if #followers < %tamefollow


		menu get releasekill

		if #menures = #true

			gosub TamingKill



	set %attempt ( %attempt % 5 ) + 1

	finditem %tameid

	if #findkind = -1


	if %attempt > 1 && #finddist > 3


		event macro 1 0 All Stay

		event pathfind #findx #findy #findz

		wait 2s

		set %attempt 0

		goto TamingReleaseLoop


	if #finddist = 0

		set %adjust #true

	if #finddist = 1


		set %deltax #findx - #charposx

		set %deltay #findy - #charposy

		if %deltay < 0 && %deltax = 0

			set %adjust #true

		if %deltay < 0 && %deltax < 0

			set %adjust #true

		if %deltay = 0 && %deltax < 0

			set %adjust #true


	if %adjust = #true


		if %attempt = 1


			event macro 5 7; walk west

			event macro 5 7; walk west

			wait 1s


		if %attempt = 2


			event macro 5 2; walk north east

			event macro 5 2; walk north east

			event macro 5 2; walk north east

			wait 1s


		if %attempt = 3


			event macro 5 6; walk south west

			event macro 5 6; walk south west

			event macro 5 6; walk south west

			wait 1s


		if %attempt = 4


			event macro 5 1; walk north

			event macro 5 1; walk north

			event macro 5 1; walk north

			wait 1s


		if %attempt = 5


			event macro 5 4; walk south east

			event macro 5 4; walk south east

			event macro 5 4; walk south east

			event macro 5 4; walk south east

			wait 1s


		set %adjust #false

		goto TamingReleaseLoop


	finditem %tameid

	if #findkind = -1


	gosub GetScreenXY #findx #findy #findz 0 %screenydisp

	menu get releasecontext

	if #menures = #true


		click %screenx %screeny F

		wait 1s

		goto TamingReleaseLoop


	menu get releaserename

	if #menures = #true


		click %screenx %screeny G

		wait 10

		click %screenx %screeny P

		wait 10

		goto TamingReleaseLoop


	event macro 1 0 All Follow Me


sub TamingRename

	menu set status Ranaming Animal

	contpos 5 30

	wait 5

	set %screenx #contposx + 130

	set %screeny #contposy + 20

	click %screenx %screeny

	for %i 1 5


		key RIGHT


	for %i 1 20


		key BACK


	msg KillMe$

	click %screenx %screeny r


sub TamingKill

	menu set status Killing Animal


	finditem %tameid

	if #findkind = -1


	if #mana < 50


		chooseskill medi

		if #skill > 500


			event macro 13 46; meditation

			wait 11s

			goto TamingKillLoop




			event sysmessage You must have at least 50 skill Meditation to use this option.

			menu set releasekill #false




	set #ltargetid %tameid

	set #ltargetkind 1

	chooseskill eval

	if #skill >= 800

		event macro 15 50; flame strike



		chooseskill necr

		if #skill >= 800

			event macro 15 109; pain strike



			event sysmessage You must have at least 80 skill in Necromancy or Evaluating Intelligence to use this option.

			menu set releasekill #false




	target 6s

	event macro 22 0; last target

	wait 2s

	goto TamingKillLoop


; clickScreenXYZ by ScriptFellow modded by Roadkill

; Mods by UncleDave

sub GetScreenXY

	set %1 ( %1 - #charposx ) * 22 ; world x-coordinate

	set %2 ( #charposy - %2 ) * 22 ; world y-coordinate

	set %3 ( %3 - #charposz ) * 4  ; world z-coordinate

	if %0 < 4 || %4 = N/A

		set %4 0				   ; x displacement, added to screen coordinate

	if %0 < 5 || %5 = N/A

		set %5 35				  ; y displacement, added to screen coordinate

	set %screenx #clileft + #clixres / 2 + %1 + %2 + %4

	set %screeny #clitop + #cliyres / 2 + %1 - %2 - %3 + %5

	set %offscreen #true

	if %screenx > #clileft &&

		+ %screeny > #clitop &&

		+ %screenx < ( #clileft + #clixres ) &&

		+ %screeny < ( #clitop + #cliyres )


		set %offscreen #false

	   ;click %screenx %screeny F



; GetYDisplacementForAnimType by Roadkill

; Mods by UncleDave

sub GetAnimalDisplacement

	set %screenydisp -32

	if %tametype in GE_ZD_L_M_TF__IG_NG__ZF_PF_EG_CO_TG_PG_VD

		set %screenydisp -25

	if %tametype in AH

		set %screenydisp -45

	if %tametype in DG_AG_WC_RF_WG_TC

		set %screenydisp -15


sub SetReagentContainer

	if %tameid <> N/A


		event sysmessage You must wait until you are finished taming.



	event sysmessage Target the container to drop reagents.

	gosub GetTargetId

	set %regcont #ltargetid


sub PickupRegs

	finditem %1 G_16

	if #findkind = -1


	menu set status Picking Up Reagents

	set %regsid #findid

	set %regsdist #finddist

	if %regsdist > 2


		gosub PathfindWait #findx #findy #findz

		if %moveres = error


			ignoreitem %regsid




	gosub GetContainerPos %regcont

	if #result = #false


		event sysmessage Unable to find reagent container.

		menu set pickupregs #false



	set %js #jindex

	event drag %regsid

	wait 10

	if #contname = stack_gump

		key ENTER

	set %je #jindex

	for %ji %js %je


		scanjournal %ji

		if can_not_pick in #journal 2

			ignoreitem %regsid



	click %contdropx %contdropy

	wait 10


sub PickupRegsNearby

	menu get pickupregs

	if #menures = #false


	finditem %reagents G_2

	if #findkind <> -1

		gosub PickupRegs #findid


sub FindClosestItem

	finditem %1 G_16

	set %findid #findid

	set %findtype #findtype

	set %finddist #finddist

	if #findcnt > 1


		for %i 1 #findcnt


			finditem %1 %i G_16

			if #findkind <> -1 && #finddist < %finddist


				set %findid #findid

				set %findtype #findtype

				set %finddist #finddist





sub GetTargetId

	set #ltargetid N/A

	set #targcurs 1


	if #targcurs = 1

		goto GetTargetIdLoop


sub PathfindWait

	set %moveres unknown

	menu get dontmove

	if #menures = #true


	if #charposx = %1 && #charposy = %2


		set %moveres success



	set %js #jindex

	event pathfind %1 %2 %3

	wait 10

	set %je #jindex

	for %ji %js %je


		scanjournal %ji

		if pathfinding in #journal


			set %movex #charposx

			set %movey #charposy

			set %movetimer #systime + 500


			if #systime < %movetimer

				goto PathfindWaitLoop

			if %movex = %1 && %movey = %2


				set %moveres success



			if %movex = #charposx && %movey = #charposy


				set %moveres stopped



			set %movex #charposx

			set %movey #charposy

			set %movetimer #systime + 500

			goto PathfindWaitLoop


		if can't_get_there in #journal


			set %moveres error





sub GetContainerPos

	finditem %1 C

	if #findkind = -1

		return #false

	if #findtype = ZJF 5; backpack

		set %contposx #findx + 22

		set %contposy #findy + 16

		set %contdropx #findx + 22

		set %contdropy #findy + 12

		return #true

	if #findtype = CKF 5; bag

		set %contposx #findx + 22

		set %contposy #findy + 15

		set %contdropx #findx + 21

		set %contdropy #findy + 10

		return #true

	if #findtype = LKF 5; pouch

		set %contposx #findx + 22

		set %contposy #findy + 13

		set %contdropx #findx + 25

		set %contdropy #findy + 7

		return #true

return #false

#2 Xacan


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 15:38

senks :)
Rave f0r3va

#3 Element



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Posted 11 August 2008 - 15:48

а что надо сделать чтоб не показывалось There is no soutch skill.. , что то такое?

#4 raicha_


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 17:17

eta na inject ili easy? :roll:

#5 lead man

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 17:19

eta na inject ili easy? :roll:

Posted Image

#6 Retrival`



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Posted 11 August 2008 - 21:22

а что надо сделать чтоб не показывалось There is no soutch skill.. , что то такое?

возможно у тебя что-то на "A" забиндовано :roll:

#7 akm



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Posted 11 August 2008 - 22:19

а что надо сделать чтоб не показывалось There is no soutch skill.. , что то такое?

Та же проблема! Проверил на А не чего не забито...
Что еще может быть подскажите?!

#8 Retrival`



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Posted 11 August 2008 - 22:36

Та же проблема! Проверил на А не чего не забито...
Что еще может быть подскажите?!

вроде как это уже не в скрипте дело... у меня всё норм идёт... без настроек вообще бегаю :D

#9 kaljmar



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 00:31

а что надо сделать чтоб не показывалось There is no soutch skill.. , что то такое?

udali macros
mozhet pomozhet
mne pomoglo :P

#10 Retrival`



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 01:20

udali macros
mozhet pomozhet
mne pomoglo :P

и я о том же :D

#11 akm



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 09:43

Он бегает зверей ищет,подбегает к нему и There is no such skill.Please tell support you saw this massage. И бегает за этим зверем. :blink:
когда только запускаю скрипт окно выскакивает макросов УО-шных.Это у всех так? Может Изи особый нужен дай ссылку от куда качал? :roll:

#12 EnFlame


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Posted 12 August 2008 - 10:11

кому там не пашет, используйте мой таминг.
желательно одеваетесь так, чтобы могли убить всяких виспов и не было жалко потерять шмот :)

; Script Name: Auto Animal Tamer
; Author: EnFlame
; Version: 1.0
; Client tested with: 2.0.3
; EUO version tested with: EasyUO 1.5 Version 137
; Shard OSI/FS: FS
; Public Release: 12/08/08
; Revision Date: 12/08/08
; Global Variables Used: -
; Purpose: Fast to train Animal Taming skill.
; Description: Script searches for animals, tames them, if
; no animals found, it moves 18-23 steps to random direction.

А вот и скрипт...
Copy & Paste:
; Script Name: Auto Animal Tamer; Author: EnFlame; Version: 1.0; Client tested with: 2.0.3; EUO version tested with: EasyUO 1.5 Version 137; Shard OSI/FS: FS; Public Release: 12/08/08; Revision Date: 12/08/08; Global Variables Used: -; Purpose: Fast to train Animal Taming skill.; Description: Script searches for animals, tames them, if; no animals found, it moves 18-23 steps to random direction.set %animals HG_WC_RF_YF_BG_AH_NF_TC_PG_RD_TG_IG_ZF_TF_XG_CO_FG_YG_AG_PF_WG_UFchooseskill animal tamingscanjournalset %distance 0set %try 0repeat{repeat{gosub ghostset %distance %distance + 2finditem %animals G_ , %distanceif #findcnt <> 0{gosub moveToAnimalgosub tameAnimalset %distance 0}}until %distance > 14gosub moveRandomset %distance 0}until #falsesub ghostif #charghost = yes{terminate uohalt}returnsub moveToAnimalevent exmsg #findid 3 23 Taming..set %fail #scnt + 20repeat{finditem #findidevent pathfind #findx #findy #findz 1wait 20if #scnt > %fail{ignoreitem #findid 1set %noLocation #truereturn}}until #finddist < 2set %noLocation #falsereturnsub tameAnimalif %noLocationreturnif #findrep = 6{gosub killreturn}tame:if G in #charstatusevent macro 6 0set #targcurs 0set %lag #scnt + 15set #ltargetid #findidset #ltargetkind 1event macro 13 35targetwhile #targcurs <> 1 && #finddist < 4 && #scnt < %lagwait 1event macro 22 0if #finddist >= 4 || #scnt > %lag{gosub moveToAnimalgoto tame}gosub checkForResultreturnsub checkForResultdeletejournalset %skill #skillset %overtime #scnt + 35scan:for %i 1 10{if #hits < #maxhits 2msg .usebandage$event macro 23 0scanjournal %iif already_tame in #journal || already_tame in #sysmsg{ignoreitem #ltargetid 1return}if seems_to_accept in #journal || seems_to_accept in #sysmsg+ || %skill <> #skill{ignoreitem #ltargetid 1msg $All Stop$return}if too_far_away in #journal || too_far_away  in #sysmsg+ || can_not_see in #journal || can_not_see in #sysmsg{set %try %try + 1if %try >= 5{ignoreitem #ltargetid 1set %try 0return}gosub moveToAnimalgosub tameAnimal}if %overtime < #scntreturnfinditem #findidevent pathfind #findx #findy #findz 1wait 20}goto scanreturnsub moveRandomset %move #random % 8 + 1event exmsg #charid 3 63 Random Moveif %move = 1 2set %x #charposx + 18set %y #charposy + 18if %move = 2 2set %x #charposx + 18set %y #charposyif %move = 3 2set %x #charposx - 18set %y #charposy + 18if %move = 4 2set %x #charposxset %y #charposy + 18if %move = 5 2set %x #charposx - 18set %y #charposy - 18if %move = 6 2set %x #charposxset %y #charposy - 18if %move = 7 2set %x #charposx + 18set %y #charposy - 18if %move = 8 2set %x #charposx - 18set %y #charposyset %time #scnt + 15repeat{event pathfind %x %ywait 20}until ( #scnt > %time ) || ( #charposx = %x && #charposy = %y )returnsub killset #ltargetid #findidevent macro 27 0repeat{finditem #findidwait 20gosub ghost}until #findcnt = 0return
Attached File  animal_taming.txt   3.14KB   1832 downloads

#13 Retrival`



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 10:29

Он бегает зверей ищет,подбегает к нему и There is no such skill.Please tell support you saw this massage. И бегает за этим зверем. :blink:
когда только запускаю скрипт окно выскакивает макросов УО-шных.Это у всех так? Может Изи особый нужен дай ссылку от куда качал? :roll:

easyuo.com :"D

#14 Retrival`



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 10:33

кому там не пашет, используйте мой таминг.
желательно одеваетесь так, чтобы могли убить всяких виспов и не было жалко потерять шмот :)

; Script Name: Auto Animal Tamer

; Author: EnFlame

; Version: 1.0

; Client tested with: 2.0.3

; EUO version tested with: EasyUO 1.5 Version 137

; Shard OSI/FS: FS

; Public Release: 12/08/08

; Revision Date: 12/08/08

; Global Variables Used: -

; Purpose: Fast to train Animal Taming skill.

; Description: Script searches for animals, tames them, if

; no animals found, it moves 18-23 steps to random direction.

крууутаааа :blush: :happy: я ждал пока такой выкинет кто-то :happy:

#15 akm



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 10:39

кому там не пашет, используйте мой таминг.
желательно одеваетесь так, чтобы могли убить всяких виспов и не было жалко потерять шмот :)

; Script Name: Auto Animal Tamer

; Author: EnFlame

; Version: 1.0

; Client tested with: 2.0.3

; EUO version tested with: EasyUO 1.5 Version 137

; Shard OSI/FS: FS

; Public Release: 12/08/08

; Revision Date: 12/08/08

; Global Variables Used: -

; Purpose: Fast to train Animal Taming skill.

; Description: Script searches for animals, tames them, if

; no animals found, it moves 18-23 steps to random direction.

Здесь новая беда пишет над головой Can't get there
Что это такое? :blink:

#16 Retrival`



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 10:41

Здесь новая беда пишет над головой Can't get there
Что это такое? :blink:

странно что у всех всё пашет а у тебя нет... попробуй все свои макросы удалить мож поможет... некоторым помогает :happy:

#17 akm



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 10:43

easyuo.com :"D

А версия какая?(1,42,00В4)
В настройках самого изи не чего менять не нужно?

#18 Retrival`



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 10:44

А версия какая?(1,42,00В4)
В настройках самого изи не чего менять не нужно?

версия изи 1.5, менять нече не надо :roll:

#19 akm



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 11:04

версия изи 1.5, менять нече не надо :roll:

Нет слов одни эмоции ....
Скачал версию 1.5 та же беда...
Макросы удалил все,не помогло.. :blush:
что еще можно попробывать? :roll:

#20 Retrival`



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 11:38

Нет слов одни эмоции ....
Скачал версию 1.5 та же беда...
Макросы удалил все,не помогло.. :blush:
что еще можно попробывать? :roll:

ты рядом с животными пробовал включать ?

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