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Прямая связь с администрацией по скайпу: gods.dragon
@  fr33 : (17 April 2024 - 11:16) gm pashol v mu igrac
@  Pablo : (15 March 2024 - 21:12) Sell regs from pandora box.
@  Pablo : (15 March 2024 - 21:11) Sell paralyze and poison necklaces 100k 1 piece.
@  fr33 : (11 March 2024 - 16:38) blee gm zb atdai bank
@  GM SOLAR : (10 March 2024 - 17:24) ОпЯТь лаГГи ! ! !
@  Pablo : (06 March 2024 - 17:48) Labākais hot ko esmu jebkad paņēmis :D
@  Senseless : (05 March 2024 - 09:42) Opatj ataki na server powli :(
@  Pablo : (03 March 2024 - 19:19) Riebiigais
@  Ganjakur : (03 March 2024 - 15:10) kāds niks mp?
@  Pablo : (02 March 2024 - 21:31) Var kāds iedot 40 kk priekš 11 lvl ?
@  Senseless : (02 March 2024 - 18:12) bratva estj u kogo script na ckerika na lamber ?
@  GM SOLAR : (02 March 2024 - 16:44) ALL GO NA CTF ! ! ! ! !
@  Ganjakur : (01 March 2024 - 17:32) labi
@  Pablo : (29 February 2024 - 12:08) Eu džeki, tie kuri vairāk nespēlē ultimu, varat droši man uzdāvināt savus itemus, vai pat savus acc. droši rakstam man privāti. Es vismaz uzturēšu šo serveri pie dzīvības :D
@  fr33 : (29 February 2024 - 09:45) yes
@  EmmaSb : (28 February 2024 - 21:00) Easyuo still working ?
@  Artemy Shan : (18 February 2024 - 20:42) Еще один фикс поставил. Смотрим, тестируем.
@  jurasiks : (18 February 2024 - 20:04) da pipec tu, zdelal on
@  Senseless : (17 February 2024 - 19:17) Lagi powli opatj
@  Artemy Shan : (17 February 2024 - 12:36) Мне удалось повторить действия, которые делал этот пиздюк, чтобы нагружать процессор сервера на 100% и вроде как я поправил это.


Nemnozhka Pomogitje S Scriptom

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17 replies to this topic

#1 RedBull


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Posted 31 January 2009 - 23:11

Pomagite pazhalusto zdelatj bolshe zaderzhku na chenilku veshej i skladavanie v bank ato menja pastojanno cl kagda chenusj ili skidavaju v bank

set %maxWeight 600 ; Max ves
set %weapon JOH ; pushka
set %armor AIK ; shield
set %additio
nalClothes ; Half-apron, sandels u.c.
set %skillRobe GQOPKMD ; Skill Roba
set %skillCloak NYLPKMD ; Skill Cloack
set %skillMask OXMVKMD ; Skill Mask
set %simpleRobe FNHYJMD ; Parasta Roba
set %simpleCloak DGJYJMD ; Parastais cloack
set %simpleMask KLMBKMD ; Parasta maska
set %container EMURJMD ; ID konteinera v banke
set %items OZF_RMK_EQD_LPF_POF_CUD ; Fish, bones i.t.d
set %repairTool MASRKMD ; ID Repair tool's
set %repairSewingKit FGKLKMD ; ID Reair Sewing Kit
set %gloryColor 1084 ; cvet ingov dlja repair armor i pushki
set %oldpColor 1084 ; cvet oldp
set %botsToKill 10 ; posle kotorova ubitova bota nada chintj bow

namespace global BotsKilledByCleric
set !bot 0
set !totalBots 0
set !botsToKill %botsToKill
ignoreitem #charid 1
setuotitle Ultima Online - #charname ( , #shard , ) Bots killed !bot , / , !botsToKill of total !totalBots , #dot

gosub check
msg back$
wait 18s
msg stop$
gosub fishing

gosub check
msg back$
wait 18s
msg stop$
gosub fishing

gosub check
msg right $
wait 18s
msg stop$
gosub fishing

gosub check
msg right $
wait 18s
msg stop$
gosub fishing

gosub check
msg forward$
wait 18s
msg stop$
gosub fishing

gosub check
msg forward$
wait 18s
msg stop$
gosub fishing

gosub check
msg left$
wait 18s
msg stop$
gosub fishing

gosub check
msg left$
wait 18s
msg stop$
gosub fishing
goto moving

sub fishing
for %xx -5 -3
for %yy -5 5
gosub throw
for %xx -2 2
for %yy -5 -2
gosub throw
for %xx 3 5
for %yy -5 5
gosub throw

sub throw
if #weight > %maxWeight
gosub trashFish
gosub ghost
gosub check
if #weight > %maxWeight
gosub openBank
gosub razgruzka
finditem XHF
event macro 17 0
wait 2
target 7s
event macro 22 0
gosub proverka

sub proverka
set %overtime #SCNT + 15
if #hits < #maxhits
gosub attack
scanjournal 1
if hungry in #sysmsg
gosub eat
if There_are_no_ in #journal || Try_fishing_ in #journal ||
+ unexpected_target_info in #journal || That_is_too in #journal ||
+ You_fail_to_catch_ in #journal || Fishing_has in #journal ||
+ You_put in #journal || You_pull in #journal || you_have_got in #journal
if #scnt >= %overtime
gosub check
goto loop

sub loot
finditem YFM G_4
set %lootTime #scnt + 25
if #findcnt <> 0
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
while #contkind <> ASEB && #contsize <> 144_212 && #scnt < %lootTime
wait 1
wait 20
finditem POF C_ , #contid
if #findcnt <> 0
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 10
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 15
until #findcnt = 0 || #scnt > %lootTime
set !bot !bot + 1
set !totalBots !totalBots + 1
ignoreitem #contID 1
event macro 21 0

sub razgruzka
ignoreitem reset 1
finditem %container C_ , %bank
if #findcnt = 0
event sysmessage Container not found
finditem %items c_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt = 0
if #findcol = %gloryColor || #findcol = %oldpColor
ignoreitem #findid 1
finditem #findid
exevent Drag #Findid #findstack
exevent Dropc %container
wait 20
until #false

sub openBank
finditem UVX G_3
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
while #contname <> generic_gump && #contsize <> 330_270
wait 1
nextcpos 0 0
click 601 245
wait 40
click 601 245 r
wait 40
until #conttype = IKF
set %bank #contid

sub kill
set %charX #charposx
set %charY #charposy
set %charz #charposz
if #hits < 50
msg .usevolcano$
finditem #enemyid
event pathfind #FINDX #FINDY #FINDZ 1 3s
wait 1s
gosub ghost
until #findcnt = 0
gosub loot
event pathfind %charX %charY %charZ 0
wait 20
until #charposx = %charX && #charposy = %charY
if %checkDurab
gosub checkDurability

sub changeClothesTo
finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid
set #lobjectID #findid
event macro 17 0
finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid
until #findcnt = 0
finditem %2 C_ , #backpackid
set #lobjectID #findid
event macro 17 0
finditem %2 C_ , #backpackid
until #findcnt = 0
Finditem %3 C_ , #backpackid
set #lobjectID #findid
event macro 17 0
finditem %3 C_ , #backpackid
until #findcnt = 0

sub ghost
if #charghost = YES
terminate uo

sub eat
finditem ZBM C
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
wait 10
finditem GND C
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
wait 10
event macro 17 0
wait 5s

sub repairWeapon
finditem %weapon C_ , #charid
exevent drag #findid
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 20
finditem %weapon C_ , #charid
until #findcnt = 0
finditem %weapon C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt = 0
goto put
set #lobjectid %repairTool C
finditem %weapon C_ , #backpackid
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
set %lag #scnt + 10
event macro 17 0
while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag
wait 1
event macro 22 0
if #scnt > %lag
goto _repair
gosub take&repair %armor %repairTool
set #lobjectid %repairSewingKit
set #ltargetid %simpleCloak
set #ltargetkind 1
set %lag #scnt + 10
event macro 17 0
while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag
wait 1
event macro 22 0
if #scnt > %lag
goto _repaircloak
wait 10
set #lobjectid %repairSewingKit
set #ltargetid %simpleRobe
set #ltargetkind 1
set %lag #scnt + 10
event macro 17 0
while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag
wait 1
event macro 22 0
if #scnt > %lag
goto _repairrobe
wait 10
gosub take&repair %additionalClothes %repairSewingKit
gosub changeClothesTo %skillMask %skillRobe %skillCloak

sub attack
set %charX #charposx
set %charY #charposy
set %charz #charposz
finditem %weapon c_ , #BackpackId
set #lobjectID #findid
event macro 17 0
wait 5
finditem %weapon c_ , #BackpackId
until #findcnt = 0
event macro 27 0
gosub changeClothesTo %simpleMask %simpleRobe %simpleCloak
msg $.arm$
gosub kill
gosub changeClothesTo %skillMask %skillRobe %skillCloak
setuotitle Ultima Online - #charname ( , #shard , ) Bots killed !bot , / , !botsToKill of total !totalBots , #dot
if !botsToKill = !bot
gosub repairWeapon
set !bot 0

sub trashFish
finditem FQD_DQD_EQD_GQD C_ , #backpackid
if #findcol <> 0
ignoreitem #findid 1
if #findcol = 0
exevent drag #findid #findstack
exevent dropg #charposx #charposy #charposz
wait 20
until #findcnt = 0

sub check
finditem IS G
if #findid = #charid
ignoreitem #findid 1
finditem IS G
if #findcnt <> 0
set #ltargetid #findid
gosub attack
until #findcnt = 0

sub take&repair
finditem %1 C_ , #charid
exevent drag #findid #findstack
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 20
finditem %1 C_ , #charid
until #findcnt = 0
finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid
set #lobjectid %2
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
set %lag #scnt + 10
event macro 17 0
while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag
wait 1
event macro 22 0
if #scnt > %lag
goto _repairing
wait 10
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
wait 20
finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid
until #findcnt = 0
Ветеран Олд парадайса :P Hehz Warior-Lust - dal poganatj Mage-Paparazzi - dal pogonatj Cleric-Ustabuga - dal pogonatj :)

#2 RedBull


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Posted 31 January 2009 - 23:51

i s assist ja tozhe proboval menja cl'it!! :unsure:
Ветеран Олд парадайса :P Hehz Warior-Lust - dal poganatj Mage-Paparazzi - dal pogonatj Cleric-Ustabuga - dal pogonatj :)

#3 imja1



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Posted 31 January 2009 - 23:56

nu i u menja CL ... Delo ne v zaderzke , delo v klijente.
Pravdo bivajet , 4to no4 normalno rabotajet ...
V osnovnom zavisajet klijent , kogda pereodevajetsa personazh ili otkrivajet bank , 4to bi razgruzitsa.

P.S ja otkli4il zvuk v klijente , 4to bi umenshit' zavisanije ...

Da , sravnil tvoj scp so svojim , u tebja dejstvitel'no jest' mesta , gde zaredzki otsutstvujut :)
No eto lish umen'shit zavisanije , a ne polnostju jego ustranit...
Надо работать с аппаратом , чтобы шарик забегал!!!

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#4 RedBull


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Posted 01 February 2009 - 00:22

a nehotel b mne pomoch hotjabe umenshitj problemu cl'a??
Ветеран Олд парадайса :P Hehz Warior-Lust - dal poganatj Mage-Paparazzi - dal pogonatj Cleric-Ustabuga - dal pogonatj :)

#5 imja1



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Posted 01 February 2009 - 00:56

set %milk ZBM; молоко (хавка №1)

set %bacon GND; бекон (хавка №2)

set %maxWeight 500; maksimalnij ves

set %weapon JOH; type pushki

set %armor IMH_YLH_WLH_BMH_CSH_HSH_AIK_JOH; Armor + shield

set %additionalClothes XDI_NVI_PAM_LDI; Half-apron, sandels, surcoat, kit, pantoloni itd

set %skillRobe DZABKMD; Skill Roba

set %skillCloak SCABKMD; Skill Cloack

set %skillMask KKABKMD; Skill Mask

set %GODSart JJUSKMD; GODS artefact

set %simplePants NLRGMMD; Pantaloni

set %simpleRobe QSTELMD; Priostaja Roba

set %simpleCloak TYAYLMD; Prostoj cloack

set %simpleMask FHURLMD; Prostaja mrepairrepairrepairrepairrepairaska

set %container YHCAMMD; ID konteinera v banke

set %items DQD_EQD_FQD_GQD_DMF_EQD_FQD_NSH_DPH_CUD_POF_LPF_OZF; kosti, pandorki, ingi i.t.d.

set %repairTool BTXFMMD; ID Repair tool's

set %repairSewingKit QDEVLMD; ID Reair Sewing Kit

set %botsToKill 10; posle skolko ubitih botov nada chinitj pushku i veshchi


event sysmessage Setting Paperdoll in right position..

event macro 8 1

wait 30

event macro 8 1

wait 30

contpos 780 -26

namespace global BotsKilledByCleric

set !bot 0

set !totalBots 0

set !botsToKill %botsToKill

ignoreitem #charid 1

setuotitle Ultima Online - #charname ( , #shard , ) Bots killed !bot , / , !botsToKill of total !totalBots , #dot


gosub check

msg back$

wait 4s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back $

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back $

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg forward$

wait 200s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

goto moving

sub fishing

for %xx -5 5


for %yy -5 5


if #weight > %maxWeight

gosub trashFish

gosub ghost

gosub check

if #weight > %maxWeight


gosub openBank

gosub razgruzka


finditem KDF


event macro 17 0

target 7s




event macro 22 0

gosub proverka




sub proverka

set %overtime #SCNT + 30


if #hits < #maxhits


gosub attack


scanjournal 1

if hungry in #sysmsg


gosub eat



if There_are_no_ in #journal || Try_fishing_ in #journal || 

+ unexpected_target_info in #journal || That_is_too in #journal || 

+ You_fail_to_catch_ in #journal || Fishing_has in #journal || 

+ You_put in #journal || You_pull in #journal || you_have_got in #journal


if #scnt >= %overtime


goto loop

sub loot

finditem YFM G_4

if #findcnt <> 0


set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

while #contkind <> ASEB && #contsize <> 144_212

wait 1

wait 20

set %lootTime #scnt + 25



finditem POF C_ , #contid

if #findcnt <> 0


exevent drag #findid #findstack

exevent dropc #backpackid

wait 25



until #findcnt = 0 || #scnt > %lootTime

set !bot !bot + 1

set !totalBots !totalBots + 1

ignoreitem #contID 1

event macro 21 0


sub razgruzka

ignoreitem reset 1

finditem %container C_ , %bank

if #findcnt = 0


event sysmessage Container not found!





finditem %items c_ , #backpackid

if #findcnt = 0


exevent Drag #Findid #findstack

exevent Dropc %container

wait 25


until #false

sub openBank

finditem UVX G



finditem #findid

event pathfind #findx #findy #findz 1 3s

wait 20


until #finddist < 2



finditem UVX G_3

wait 5

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 10

while #contname <> generic_gump && #contsize <> 330_270

wait 1

nextcpos 0 0

click 601 245

wait 40

click 601 245 r

wait 40


until #conttype = IKF

set %bank #contid


sub kill



if #hits < 50

msg .usevolcano$

finditem #enemyid

event pathfind #FINDX #FINDY #FINDZ 1 3s

wait 1s

gosub ghost


until #findcnt = 0

gosub loot



event pathfind %charX %charY %charZ 0

wait 20


until #charposx = %charX && #charposy = %charY


sub changeClothesTo



finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0



finditem %2 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %2 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0



Finditem %3 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %3 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0

Finditem %4 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %4 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0


sub ghost

if #charghost = YES




click 992 82

wait 10

click 547 388

wait 10


until #clilogged = 0

wait 10




sub eat

finditem #BackpackID

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 15

finditem %milk c_ , #BackpackID

exevent drag #findid

exevent dropc #backpackid

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 15

finditem %bacon c_ , #BackpackID

exevent drag #findid

exevent dropc #backpackid

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0


set %time #scnt + 4



scanjournal 1

if _kallories_ in #journal

 goto wait

if #scnt => %time


sub repairWeapon

ignoreitem %GODSart 1




finditem %weapon C_ , #charid

exevent drag #findid

exevent dropc #backpackid

wait 25

finditem %weapon C_ , #charid


until #findcnt = 0

finditem %weapon C_ , #backpackid

if #findcnt = 0

goto put


set #lobjectid %repairTool C

finditem %weapon C_ , #backpackid

set #ltargetid #findid

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repair

gosub take&repair %armor %repairTool


set #lobjectid %repairSewingKit

set #ltargetid %simpleCloak

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repaircloak

wait 10


set #lobjectid %repairSewingKit

set #ltargetid %simpleRobe

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repairrobe

wait 10

gosub take&repair %additionalClothes %repairSewingKit

ignoreitem reset 1

gosub changeClothesTo %GODSart %skillMask %skillRobe %skillCloak


sub attack

set %charX #charposx

set %charY #charposy

set %charz #charposz



finditem %weapon c_ , #BackpackId

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 5

finditem %weapon c_ , #BackpackId


until #findcnt = 0

event macro 27 0

gosub changeClothesTo %simplePants %simpleMask %simpleRobe %simpleCloak

msg $.arm$

gosub kill

gosub changeClothesTo %GODSart %skillMask %skillRobe %skillCloak

setuotitle Ultima Online - #charname ( , #shard , ) Bots killed !bot , / , !botsToKill of total !totalBots , #dot

if !botsToKill = !bot


gosub repairWeapon

set !bot 0



sub trashFish



finditem FQD_DQD_EQD_GQD C_ , #backpackid

if #findcol <> 0

ignoreitem #findid 1

if #findcol = 0


exevent drag #findid #findstack

exevent dropg #charposx #charposy #charposz

wait 25



until #findcnt = 0


sub check



finditem IS G

if #findid = #charid

ignoreitem #findid 1

finditem IS G

if #findcnt <> 0


set #ltargetid #findid

gosub attack




until #findcnt = 0


sub take&repair



finditem %1 C_ , #charid

exevent drag #findid #findstack

exevent dropc #backpackid

wait 25

finditem %1 C_ , #charid


until #findcnt = 0



finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid


set #lobjectid %2

set #ltargetid #findid

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repairing

wait 10

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 20

finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0


Skript nastrojem pod klerika 5lvl
v bakpake dolzhno bit':
moloko, bekon, repair tool , tailor repair tool ( esli netu gorgeta , to ne objazatel'no ), glory ring set , glory axe , +skill items (plas4, maska, roba) , smennaja plas4 i roba , ignoti glory , glory s4it, tkan' dlja po4inki odezdi (smennoj).
V obs4em kartinku prikrepil , smatri sam...

Kak i skazal , mozhet zavisnut' , a mozhet i otrabotat' normalno.
Jesli idjosh na makros , perezagruzi klijent i easyuo , inogda pomogajet proderzatsa 5-7 4asov bez zavisanija.
Mozhno jes4o ispolzovat' inject , dlja rekonekta , t.k jesli ribalish v more , to password dlja security ne prosit.
Jesli klijent perezagruzajetsa ne dolgo , to easyuo prodolzajet rabotat' (=
Ah da , ja ubral 4ast' skripta , gde razgruzajet ignoti v bank , t.k u menja cvet ne srabatival, v itoge lomalas' pushka.
ne tak uzh i mnogo lovitsa OLDP ignotov , 4to bi vesu meshalo. K tomuzhe glory 4initsa i ves osvobozdajetsa.

Ispolzuju klijent modificirovanij s bolshim razreshenijem (900x600 vrode).
Easyuo 1.5 Version 137...

Vrode vsjo...
Надо работать с аппаратом , чтобы шарик забегал!!!

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#6 RedBull


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Posted 01 February 2009 - 01:59

a mozew moj slitj s toim scpt prosto bukvi mne drug stavil i.t.d
Ветеран Олд парадайса :P Hehz Warior-Lust - dal poganatj Mage-Paparazzi - dal pogonatj Cleric-Ustabuga - dal pogonatj :)

#7 imja1



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Posted 01 February 2009 - 02:11

ghm... nu eto jerunda polu4itsa.
kak mozhno proverit' , rabotajet li programma , ne zapuskaja jejo ?
Gde ja proverju to , 4to sojedinil vo jedino?
Nu vozmi pro4ti ves' kod , posmatri gde stojit "wait" i vstav' v svoj skript.
jesli CL budet , zna4it delo ne v skripte.
Na servere stojit filtracija poketov , jesli 4to-to ne tak , tebja vikidivajet iz igri.

Eto uzhe ne igra polu4ajetsa, kogda prihoditsa 4asami sidet' i razberatsa , po4emu , da po4emu...
Ja vrode vsjo detal'no objasnil i raspisal, probuj!
Надо работать с аппаратом , чтобы шарик забегал!!!

Posted Image

#8 RedBull


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Posted 01 February 2009 - 02:22

ok sps za pomosh! ese u kavo est kakoj variant katorij mozhet pomoch scripteram pishem nestisnaimsja (poderzhite temu ) :)
Ветеран Олд парадайса :P Hehz Warior-Lust - dal poganatj Mage-Paparazzi - dal pogonatj Cleric-Ustabuga - dal pogonatj :)

#9 imja1



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Posted 01 February 2009 - 02:40

Protiv CLa , netu zas4iti... Jest' lishi vozmozhnost' umenshit'.
Horosheje sojedinenije , bistrij kompjuter , umelije ruki i golova....
Kstati , mozhet u tebja dc ili torrent klijent vklju4en ? Izza nih tozhe mozhet vikidivat',
oni trafik sjedajut horosho i eto vlijajet na sojedinenije s serverom Oldp ;]
Надо работать с аппаратом , чтобы шарик забегал!!!

Posted Image

#10 Megatron


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Posted 01 February 2009 - 10:36

U mina obichno tozhe CL`lil, no was vot otstojal 17 chasov, tok sel za komp i 1 acc crashnulo :P
ВЕТЕРАН Oldparadise Warrior: Freeman Archer: Alana

#11 RedBull


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Posted 01 February 2009 - 13:38

Protiv CLa , netu zas4iti... Jest' lishi vozmozhnost' umenshit'.
Horosheje sojedinenije , bistrij kompjuter , umelije ruki i golova....
Kstati , mozhet u tebja dc ili torrent klijent vklju4en ? Izza nih tozhe mozhet vikidivat',
oni trafik sjedajut horosho i eto vlijajet na sojedinenije s serverom Oldp ;]

hmmm.... da bivaet! uchtu!
Ветеран Олд парадайса :P Hehz Warior-Lust - dal poganatj Mage-Paparazzi - dal pogonatj Cleric-Ustabuga - dal pogonatj :)

#12 RedBull


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Posted 01 February 2009 - 18:54

ktonitj ishe dajte kakiji soveti pazhalusta ...
Ветеран Олд парадайса :P Hehz Warior-Lust - dal poganatj Mage-Paparazzi - dal pogonatj Cleric-Ustabuga - dal pogonatj :)

#13 RedBull


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Posted 23 February 2009 - 08:02

ktonitj ishe dajte kakiji soveti pazhalusta ...

mne tak ishe nepomoglji :)
Ветеран Олд парадайса :P Hehz Warior-Lust - dal poganatj Mage-Paparazzi - dal pogonatj Cleric-Ustabuga - dal pogonatj :)

#14 Klikyn



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Posted 19 March 2009 - 23:12

А у меня вот проблемы... прописал все как нужно все ИД Тайпы. (Банка.)

И не ложыт вещи в банк... хотя вес уже 554 а стоит 450 когда ложыть в банк должен!

set %maxWeight 450; Max ves

set %weapon JOH; Pushka

set %armor IMH_WLH_YLH_BMH_CSH_AIK; Armor + shield + steel fameale & ring legs

set %additionalClothes XDI_NVI_PAM_LDI; Half-apron, sandelji itd

set %skillRobe UUKGMMD; Skill Roba

set %skillCloak TKKGMMD; Skill Cloack

set %skillMask ANKGMMD; Skill Mask

set %simpleRobe WNTDMMD; Prostaja Roba

set %simpleCloak HZTDMMD; Prostoj cloack

set %simpleMask CSH; Prostoj shlem

set %container YFBMMMD; ID konteinera, gde razgruzivatj veshchi

set %items OZF_RMK_EQD_LPF_CUD_POF_LPF; pandorki, bones idt

set %repairTool ZKEMLMD; ID Repair tool's

set %repairSewingKit GZNAMMD; ID Repair Sewing Kit

set %plazmaColor 1084; cvet ingov, s kotorim nado chinitj armor

set %steelColor 2421; cvet ingov, s kotorim nado chinitj armor

set %infernoColor 2164; cvet ingov, s kotorim nado chinitj pushku [ OLDP - 1097; Glory - 1084; Inferno - 2164 ]

set %botsToKill 10; Posle skolko ubitix botov chinitj armor i pushku

namespace global BotsKilledByWarrior

set !bot 0

set !totalBots 0

set !botsToKill %botsToKill

ignoreitem #charid 1

setuotitle Ultima Online - #charname ( , #shard , ) Bots killed !bot , / , !botsToKill of total !totalBots , #dot


gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg right $

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg right $

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg forward$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg forward$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg left$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg left$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

goto moving

sub fishing

for %xx -5 -3


for %yy -5 5


gosub throw



for %xx -2 2


for %yy -5 -2


gosub throw



for %xx 3 5


for %yy -5 5


gosub throw




sub throw

if #weight > %maxWeight

gosub trashFish

gosub ghost

gosub check

if #weight > %maxWeight


gosub dropGhostBone


finditem XHF


event macro 17 0

wait 2

target 7s




event macro 22 0

gosub proverka


sub proverka

set %overtime #SCNT + 15


if #hits < #maxhits


gosub attack


scanjournal 1

if hungry in #sysmsg


gosub eat



if There_are_no_ in #journal || Try_fishing_ in #journal || 

+ unexpected_target_info in #journal || That_is_too in #journal || 

+ You_fail_to_catch_ in #journal || Fishing_has in #journal || 

+ You_put in #journal || You_pull in #journal


if #scnt >= %overtime


goto loop

sub loot

set %lootTime #scnt + 20

finditem YFM G_4

if #findcnt >= 1


set #lobjectid #findid

set %body #findid

event macro 17 0

while #contkind <> ASEB && #contsize <> 144_212 && %lootTime > #scnt

wait 1

wait 10



finditem POF C_ , %body

if #findcnt = 0 || #scnt > %lootTime


ignoreitem %body 2

set !bot !bot + 1

set !totalBots !totalBots + 1

event macro 21 0



exevent drag #findid #findstack

exevent dropc #backpackid

wait 20


until #false



sub razgruzka

ignoreitem reset 1

finditem %container C_ , %bank

if #findcnt = 0


event sysmessage Kontainer ne naiden!





finditem %items c_ , #backpackid

if #findcnt = 0


if #findcol = %infernoColor || #findcol = %steelColor || #findcol = %plazmaColor


ignoreitem #findid 1

finditem #findid


exevent Drag #Findid #findstack

exevent Dropc %container

wait 25


until #false


sub openBank



finditem UVX G_3

set #lobjectid #findid

wait 10

event macro 17 0

wait 10

while #contname <> generic_gump && #contsize <> 330_270

wait 1

click 601 245

wait 40

click 601 245 r

wait 40


until #conttype = IKF

set %bank #contid


sub kill

msg .arm$



if #hits < 50

msg .usevolcano$

finditem #enemyid

event pathfind #FINDX #FINDY #FINDZ 1 3s

wait 1s

gosub ghost


until #findcnt = 0

gosub loot



event pathfind %charX %charY %charZ 0

wait 20


until #charposx = %charX && #charposy = %charY


sub changeClothesTo



finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0



finditem %2 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %2 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0



Finditem %3 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %3 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0


sub ghost

if #charghost = YES




click 992 82

wait 10

click 547 388

wait 10


until #clilogged = 0


wait 10


wait 10





sub eat

finditem ZBM C

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 10

finditem GND C

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 10

event macro 17 0

wait 5s


sub repairWeapon




finditem %weapon C_ , #charid

exevent drag #findid

wait 10

exevent dropc #backpackid

wait 20

finditem %weapon C_ , #charid


until #findcnt = 0

finditem %weapon C_ , #backpackid

if #findcnt = 0

goto put


set #lobjectid %repairTool C

finditem %weapon C_ , #backpackid

set #ltargetid #findid

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt >= %lag

goto _repair

gosub take&repair %armor %repairTool


set #lobjectid %repairSewingKit

set #ltargetid %simpleCloak

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repaircloak

wait 10


set #lobjectid %repairSewingKit

set #ltargetid %simpleRobe

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repairrobe

wait 10

gosub take&repair %additionalClothes %repairSewingKit

gosub changeClothesTo %skillMask %skillRobe %skillCloak


sub take&repair



finditem %1 C_ , #charid

exevent drag #findid #findstack

wait 10

exevent dropc #backpackid

wait 15

finditem %1 C_ , #charid


until #findcnt = 0



finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid


set #lobjectid %2

set #ltargetid #findid

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repairing

wait 10

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 20

finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0


sub attack


set %charX #charposx

set %charY #charposy

set %charz #charposz



finditem %weapon c_ , #BackpackId

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 5

finditem %weapon c_ , #BackpackId


until #findcnt = 0

event macro 27 0

gosub changeClothesTo %simpleMask %simpleRobe %simpleCloak

msg $.arm$

gosub kill

gosub changeClothesTo %skillMask %skillRobe %skillCloak

setuotitle Ultima Online - #charname ( , #shard , ) Bots killed !bot , / , !botsToKill of total !totalBots , #dot

if !botsToKill = !bot


gosub repairWeapon

set !bot 0



sub trashFish



finditem FQD_DQD_EQD_GQD C_ , #backpackid

if #findcol <> 0

ignoreitem #findid 1

if #findcol = 0


set #ltargetkind 1

set #ltargetid #findid

msg $.dropitem$

target 2s

event macro 22 0

wait 20



until #findcnt = 0


sub check



finditem IS G

if #findid = #charid

ignoreitem #findid 1

finditem IS G

if #findcnt <> 0


set #ltargetid #findid

gosub attack




until #findcnt = 0


sub dropGhostBone



finditem EQD C_ , #backpackid

if #findcol = 913


exevent drag #findid #findstack

exevent dropg #charposx #charposy #charposz

wait 25



ignoreitem #findid

finditem EQD C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0


Posted Image

Игрок Oldparadise XL

#15 Prey



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Posted 19 March 2009 - 23:29

А у меня вот проблемы... прописал все как нужно все ИД Тайпы. (Банка.)

Надо прописывать не ИД банка, а сумки в банке куда все скидываешь.

#16 Tristan


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Posted 19 March 2009 - 23:40

Nada prosta na4inat riba4it v tom meste gde naxoditsa bank ---> vsamom nosu koroblja ;) Jesli ti gdeto zadi zapustil scp to on nemozet dotenutsa do bank ai razgruzit veshi ;)

#17 Klikyn



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Posted 20 March 2009 - 08:11

Я Рыбачю рядом с трюмом. Также прописал трапед который кидать и который в банке. и всёравно не ХУЯ!
Posted Image

Игрок Oldparadise XL

#18 UOlife



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Posted 10 April 2009 - 14:00

set %milk ZBM; молоко (хавка №1)

set %bacon GND; бекон (хавка №2)

set %maxWeight 500; maksimalnij ves

set %weapon JOH; type pushki

set %armor IMH_YLH_WLH_BMH_CSH_HSH_AIK_JOH; Armor + shield

set %additionalClothes XDI_NVI_PAM_LDI; Half-apron, sandels, surcoat, kit, pantoloni itd

set %skillRobe DZABKMD; Skill Roba

set %skillCloak SCABKMD; Skill Cloack

set %skillMask KKABKMD; Skill Mask

set %GODSart JJUSKMD; GODS artefact

set %simplePants NLRGMMD; Pantaloni

set %simpleRobe QSTELMD; Priostaja Roba

set %simpleCloak TYAYLMD; Prostoj cloack

set %simpleMask FHURLMD; Prostaja mrepairrepairrepairrepairrepairaska

set %container YHCAMMD; ID konteinera v banke

set %items DQD_EQD_FQD_GQD_DMF_EQD_FQD_NSH_DPH_CUD_POF_LPF_OZF; kosti, pandorki, ingi i.t.d.

set %repairTool BTXFMMD; ID Repair tool's

set %repairSewingKit QDEVLMD; ID Reair Sewing Kit

set %botsToKill 10; posle skolko ubitih botov nada chinitj pushku i veshchi


event sysmessage Setting Paperdoll in right position..

event macro 8 1

wait 30

event macro 8 1

wait 30

contpos 780 -26

namespace global BotsKilledByCleric

set !bot 0

set !totalBots 0

set !botsToKill %botsToKill

ignoreitem #charid 1

setuotitle Ultima Online - #charname ( , #shard , ) Bots killed !bot , / , !botsToKill of total !totalBots , #dot


gosub check

msg back$

wait 4s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back $

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back $

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg back$

wait 14s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

gosub check

msg forward$

wait 200s

msg stop$

gosub fishing

goto moving

sub fishing

for %xx -5 5


for %yy -5 5


if #weight > %maxWeight

gosub trashFish

gosub ghost

gosub check

if #weight > %maxWeight


gosub openBank

gosub razgruzka


finditem KDF


event macro 17 0

target 7s




event macro 22 0

gosub proverka




sub proverka

set %overtime #SCNT + 30


if #hits < #maxhits


gosub attack


scanjournal 1

if hungry in #sysmsg


gosub eat



if There_are_no_ in #journal || Try_fishing_ in #journal || 

+ unexpected_target_info in #journal || That_is_too in #journal || 

+ You_fail_to_catch_ in #journal || Fishing_has in #journal || 

+ You_put in #journal || You_pull in #journal || you_have_got in #journal


if #scnt >= %overtime


goto loop

sub loot

finditem YFM G_4

if #findcnt <> 0


set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

while #contkind <> ASEB && #contsize <> 144_212

wait 1

wait 20

set %lootTime #scnt + 25



finditem POF C_ , #contid

if #findcnt <> 0


exevent drag #findid #findstack

exevent dropc #backpackid

wait 25



until #findcnt = 0 || #scnt > %lootTime

set !bot !bot + 1

set !totalBots !totalBots + 1

ignoreitem #contID 1

event macro 21 0


sub razgruzka

ignoreitem reset 1

finditem %container C_ , %bank

if #findcnt = 0


event sysmessage Container not found!





finditem %items c_ , #backpackid

if #findcnt = 0


exevent Drag #Findid #findstack

exevent Dropc %container

wait 25


until #false

sub openBank

finditem UVX G



finditem #findid

event pathfind #findx #findy #findz 1 3s

wait 20


until #finddist < 2



finditem UVX G_3

wait 5

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 10

while #contname <> generic_gump && #contsize <> 330_270

wait 1

nextcpos 0 0

click 601 245

wait 40

click 601 245 r

wait 40


until #conttype = IKF

set %bank #contid


sub kill



if #hits < 50

msg .usevolcano$

finditem #enemyid

event pathfind #FINDX #FINDY #FINDZ 1 3s

wait 1s

gosub ghost


until #findcnt = 0

gosub loot



event pathfind %charX %charY %charZ 0

wait 20


until #charposx = %charX && #charposy = %charY


sub changeClothesTo



finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0



finditem %2 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %2 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0



Finditem %3 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %3 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0

Finditem %4 C_ , #backpackid

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

finditem %4 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0


sub ghost

if #charghost = YES




click 992 82

wait 10

click 547 388

wait 10


until #clilogged = 0

wait 10




sub eat

finditem #BackpackID

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 15

finditem %milk c_ , #BackpackID

exevent drag #findid

exevent dropc #backpackid

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 15

finditem %bacon c_ , #BackpackID

exevent drag #findid

exevent dropc #backpackid

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0


set %time #scnt + 4



scanjournal 1

if _kallories_ in #journal

 goto wait

if #scnt => %time


sub repairWeapon

ignoreitem %GODSart 1




finditem %weapon C_ , #charid

exevent drag #findid

exevent dropc #backpackid

wait 25

finditem %weapon C_ , #charid


until #findcnt = 0

finditem %weapon C_ , #backpackid

if #findcnt = 0

goto put


set #lobjectid %repairTool C

finditem %weapon C_ , #backpackid

set #ltargetid #findid

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repair

gosub take&repair %armor %repairTool


set #lobjectid %repairSewingKit

set #ltargetid %simpleCloak

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repaircloak

wait 10


set #lobjectid %repairSewingKit

set #ltargetid %simpleRobe

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repairrobe

wait 10

gosub take&repair %additionalClothes %repairSewingKit

ignoreitem reset 1

gosub changeClothesTo %GODSart %skillMask %skillRobe %skillCloak


sub attack

set %charX #charposx

set %charY #charposy

set %charz #charposz



finditem %weapon c_ , #BackpackId

set #lobjectID #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 5

finditem %weapon c_ , #BackpackId


until #findcnt = 0

event macro 27 0

gosub changeClothesTo %simplePants %simpleMask %simpleRobe %simpleCloak

msg $.arm$

gosub kill

gosub changeClothesTo %GODSart %skillMask %skillRobe %skillCloak

setuotitle Ultima Online - #charname ( , #shard , ) Bots killed !bot , / , !botsToKill of total !totalBots , #dot

if !botsToKill = !bot


gosub repairWeapon

set !bot 0



sub trashFish



finditem FQD_DQD_EQD_GQD C_ , #backpackid

if #findcol <> 0

ignoreitem #findid 1

if #findcol = 0


exevent drag #findid #findstack

exevent dropg #charposx #charposy #charposz

wait 25



until #findcnt = 0


sub check



finditem IS G

if #findid = #charid

ignoreitem #findid 1

finditem IS G

if #findcnt <> 0


set #ltargetid #findid

gosub attack




until #findcnt = 0


sub take&repair



finditem %1 C_ , #charid

exevent drag #findid #findstack

exevent dropc #backpackid

wait 25

finditem %1 C_ , #charid


until #findcnt = 0



finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid


set #lobjectid %2

set #ltargetid #findid

set #ltargetkind 1

set %lag #scnt + 10

event macro 17 0


while #targcurs <> 1 && #scnt < %lag

wait 1

event macro 22 0

if #scnt > %lag

goto _repairing

wait 10

set #lobjectid #findid

event macro 17 0

wait 20

finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid


until #findcnt = 0


Skript nastrojem pod klerika 5lvl
v bakpake dolzhno bit':
moloko, bekon, repair tool , tailor repair tool ( esli netu gorgeta , to ne objazatel'no ), glory ring set , glory axe , +skill items (plas4, maska, roba) , smennaja plas4 i roba , ignoti glory , glory s4it, tkan' dlja po4inki odezdi (smennoj).
V obs4em kartinku prikrepil , smatri sam...

Kak i skazal , mozhet zavisnut' , a mozhet i otrabotat' normalno.
Jesli idjosh na makros , perezagruzi klijent i easyuo , inogda pomogajet proderzatsa 5-7 4asov bez zavisanija.
Mozhno jes4o ispolzovat' inject , dlja rekonekta , t.k jesli ribalish v more , to password dlja security ne prosit.
Jesli klijent perezagruzajetsa ne dolgo , to easyuo prodolzajet rabotat' (=
Ah da , ja ubral 4ast' skripta , gde razgruzajet ignoti v bank , t.k u menja cvet ne srabatival, v itoge lomalas' pushka.
ne tak uzh i mnogo lovitsa OLDP ignotov , 4to bi vesu meshalo. K tomuzhe glory 4initsa i ves osvobozdajetsa.

Ispolzuju klijent modificirovanij s bolshim razreshenijem (900x600 vrode).
Easyuo 1.5 Version 137...

Vrode vsjo...

Вписал в этот скрипт все свои данныйе, правдо не клерик а арчер одел его в глори ринг, зделал вилы ! запускаю скрипт, он плывёт назад на несколько тайлов пишет стоп и стоит нихера не делает ! чё за хрень ?!
UoLife Power
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