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@  До свидания : (Yesterday, 21:45) даже ланцеглод уже перестал играть :D
@  До свидания : (24 September 2024 - 22:27) похуй уже всем на твои сервер и на твои пустые слова :)
@  fr33 : (18 September 2024 - 09:04) ura go go go varki
@  Artemy Shan : (17 September 2024 - 22:00) Сайт что-то лагует, попрошу техника проверить в чем дело. Пока ребутнул веб.
@  Artemy Shan : (17 September 2024 - 22:00) На днях начнём осенний сезон. Всем приготовиться :)
@  fr33 : (02 September 2024 - 13:07) nu vse uze skola nacalasj, gm davai proff
@  beatiful : (01 September 2024 - 20:50) davai v peredi uze novij osinj , uze sezon
@  fr33 : (27 August 2024 - 16:07) v ponedelnik uze osenj, novii sezon i gm dast proff
@  До свидания : (15 August 2024 - 22:27) login.oldp.net,2593
@  fr33 : (15 August 2024 - 16:45) i mne toze ne idet, gm delaj serv
@  jurasiks : (14 August 2024 - 17:45) Ilji u menja odnogo serv ne edet?
@  jurasiks : (14 August 2024 - 17:41) ALJOO
@  jurasiks : (12 August 2024 - 17:58) server ne robotaet
@  Restless : (11 August 2024 - 15:41) @Artemy Shan по hu ю
@  Artemy Shan : (09 August 2024 - 12:46) Сервер работает
@  fr33 : (07 August 2024 - 00:41) Old Paradise XL - 0
@  GM SOLAR : (06 August 2024 - 12:45) Давно сервак лёг?
@  jurasiks : (04 August 2024 - 15:15) Server ne idet
@  fr33 : (25 July 2024 - 09:05) TAFANA ABAKRALI
@  Artemy Shan : (08 July 2024 - 17:24) Работа сервера восстановлена, работа сайта аналогично

Help Topic: Your Personal Messenger

Your personal messenger acts much like an email account in that you can send and receive messages and store messages in folders.

Send a new PM
This will allow you to send a message to another member. If you have names in your friends list, you can choose a name from it - or you may choose to enter a name in the relevant form field. This will be automatically filled in if you clicked a 'PM' button on the board (from the member list or a post).
There is also a 'type-ahead' feature which automatically pulls users from the database as you start typing their name.

If allowed, you may also be able to enter in multiple names in the box provided, will need to add one username per line. You may also make this a BCC by clicking the box 'Hide CC recipients from others?'.

If the administrator allows, you may use BBCode and HTML in your personal message. If you choose to check the 'Add a copy of this message to you sent items folder' box, a copy of the message will be saved for you for later reference. If you tick the 'Track this message?' box, then the details of the message will be available in your 'Message Tracker' where you will be able to see if/when it has been read.

Finally, if enabled, you can also include attachments to your PMs, such as images or other files.

Your inbox is where all new messages are sent to. Clicking on the message title will show you the message in a similar format to the board topic view. You can also delete or move messages from your inbox.

Sent Items
This folder is where any sent PMs go to, if selected when sending the message.

Saved (Unsent) PMs
This area will allow you to go back to any PM's that you have chosen to save to be sent later.

Empty PM Folders
This option provides you with a quick and easy way to clear out all of your PM folders.

Edit Storage Folders
You may rename, add or remove folders to store messages is, allowing you to organise your messages to your preference. You cannot remove 'Sent Items' or 'Inbox'.

PM Block List
You may add in users names in this section, or edit any saved entries. This section is used as a ban list, denying the named member the ability to message you.

Archive Messages
If your messenger folders are full and you are unable to receive new messages, you can archive them off. This compiles the messages into a single HTML page or Microsoft Excel format. This page is then emailed to your registered email address for your convenience.

Message Tracker
This is the page that any messages that you have chosen to track will appear. Details of if and when they have been read by the recipient will appear here. This also gives you the chance to delete any messages that you have sent and not yet been read by the intended recipient.